Monday, September 30, 2019

Benefits of Wood Railings

Man Standing By A Wooden Railing
Photo by Matthew Ronder-Seid on Unsplash
Based in Saskatchewan, Canada, SK Rails maintains a reputation for offering high-quality railing products to commercial and residential clients. The products offered by SK Rails are all customizable and made of different materials, including wood.

Thanks to the elegance and style of wood, it is still one of the most popular materials used for railings. Below are several of the benefits of wood railings:

- Range of costs. Wood railings are made from a variety of trees, including walnut, poplar, cedar, and beech. This variability not only grants wood railings a range of looks, but it also makes such products accessible to clients with varying budgets. While custom wood railings are usually more expensive than other materials, more standard wood railings are close in cost to plastic and other railing options.

- Can’t be copied. Plenty of materials try to mimic the look and feel of wood, particularly plastic or vinyl. Although vinyl railing has its advantages, including a wide range of color options and minimal maintenance, it cannot offer the unique appearance and feel that wood does.

- Long-lasting. When maintained well, wood railings last for several years, if not decades. This ensures customers can enjoy their purchase for years to come before replacing it. When maintaining wood railings, it’s important to note that maintenance varies depending on the wood used and location. For instance, wood railings used indoors require very minimal maintenance.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Four Factors to Consider when Choosing a Deck Railing Material

SK Rails in Saskatchewan, Canada, manufactures customized railing products for commercial and residential use in accordance with the company principles of innovation, quality, strength, versatility, and installation ease. For residential projects, SK Rails offers wood-, cable-, and iron-railing options outfitted with lighting systems and modular caps made to enhance outdoor spaces and structures, such as decks. 

Various factors beyond color and style preferences affect the selection process when choosing a deck railing material. Here are a few to consider:

1. Budget. Railing materials vary widely in price. The durability of the material used can impact prices because some may cost less but impose a bigger financial burden overall due to required replacements and upkeep expenses. This makes determining what is affordable the first step in making a decision. 

2. Building codes. Family dwellings with three stories or fewer are subject to regulations outlined by the International Residential Code (IRC), which contains rules for building decks. IRC mandates include restrictions regarding railing height and other safety requirements, although specifics can vary. 

3. Accessibility. If a deck-railing design incorporates elements to accommodate someone with a physical disability or injury, it may need to comply with certain legal standards, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 

4. Maintenance needs. Maintenance requirements for railing types can vary significantly. Wooden railings need regular sealing and staining, for instance. Determining the upkeep time and cost associated with each material can help to narrow down the selection.

Monday, June 17, 2019

The Tools and Skills of a Professional Blacksmith

Based in Saskatchewan, Canada, SK Rails is a leading manufacturer of commercial and residential railings. With a commitment to providing customers with high-quality, long-lasting products, SK Rails employs trained blacksmiths from Canada’s Professional Ironworkers Association to make its decorative iron railings. 

A tradesperson who makes and repairs decorative steel or wrought-iron objects, blacksmiths often make a living creating custom metalwork for businesses, office buildings, art galleries, museums, or municipalities. Some blacksmiths, like those employed at SK Rails, specialize in creating artistic items like iron railings and gates.

To create their products, blacksmiths use a furnace or forge to heat metal until it becomes pliable. They then use hand or power tools, like hammers, chisels, drills, and hydraulic presses, to bend and shape the metal into decorative and functional objects. To be proficient at working with smelted metal, blacksmiths must possess manual dexterity, physical strength, math and measurement skills, and an artistic inclination. Most professional blacksmiths learn the trade over years as an apprentice before continuing to develop their skills as a journeyman.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

How to Keep Cable Railings Clean

A railing company based in Canada, SK Rails provides customizable solutions to residential and commercial clients. In addition to offering rails made of both wood and iron, SK Rails makes cable ones available to patrons seeking a sleeker, more minimalistic look.

Once installed, cable rails require routine cleaning to ensure they last as long as possible. Usually, this begins right after installation and involves wiping down the cables to remove any carbon deposits left behind. This is best done using a stainless cleaner and a soft cloth.

From there, individuals should clean their cable railings as needed with a mild soap, some water, and a cotton rag. This general type of washing removes marks and fingerprints that can degrade the structure over time. At minimum, owners should perform this every six months to ensure that cable wiring stays protected. However, railings that see a lot of use should be attended to more frequently.

While doing as such, people should avoid harsh solutions, abrasive materials, and power-cleaning tools as much as possible. If these items must be used, any residue, grease, or oil they leave behind must be wiped from the railing soon after. Further, power-washing tools must be kept on a low setting so they do not remove any protective sealant.

After the cleaning process, all components must be left to dry completely so that rust doesn’t form. Since drying is so important, cable railings are best washed on sunny days or dried entirely by hand using a cloth.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Reasons to Choose Iron Railings for Your Home or Business

A custom railing company based in Saskatchewan, Canada, SK Rails is dedicated to producing the highest quality, longest-lasting railing products on the market. With a large selection of wood, cable, and wrought iron railings, SK Rails provides nearly endless options for homeowners or business owners to create their perfect outdoor space.

In addition to sleek cable and traditional wood railing products, SK Rails produces a range of decorative iron railings crafted by highly trained members of Canada’s Professional Ironworkers. Compared with other railing materials like wood, wrought iron railings are exceptionally durable and strong enough to serve as security fencing. These handcrafted railings also come in a variety of designs to allow homeowners or business owners the freedom to pick a favorite style.

With their classic beauty, wrought iron railings bring a dash of elegance to any property while necessitating only a low level of maintenance. While iron will last a long time, thoroughly cleaning and then painting such railings every 10 to 15 years will keep them looking fresh.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

SK Rails - Saskatchewan-Based Leader in Railing Products

Providing inspiring railing products and liberating designs, SK Rails is regarded as one of the preeminent brands in the railing industry due in large part to its five core operating standards. Through the SK Rails Five, the Saskatchewan, Canada-based company emphasizes quality, strength, versatility, innovation, and ease of installation among its diverse range of product offerings designed for both commercial and residential applications. Featuring code-tested products that are coated with anti-corrosion technology to ensure durability and longevity, the company offers an array of residential railing options in the form of wood, iron, or cable that serve as a perfect complement to any outdoor living space.

Defined by its proprietary pre-welded panel system, lighting system, and modular caps, SK Rails’ products can be easily installed. Easy-to-use bracket systems highlight the numerous components that help to ensure relatively quick installation. Committed to going above and beyond rigorous industry standards, SK maintains active membership with Canada’s Professional Iron Workers.